How It Works
We are trying to keep the operations of the Foundation as simple as possible, both from your perspective and ours! Inevitably, we have to have rules and regulations but we will keep these to a minimum with a simple process to identify the candidates for our support.
Because we are a small charity, we cannot process hundreds of applications and therefore we hope you understand we cannot take direct applications from parents. All nominations of pupils for our support MUST come through your primary school. So, if you are a parent and think your child is exceptionally good at something (and what parent doesn't?), then mention it to their class teacher or Head Teacher and ask whether they would nominate your son or daughter for Foundation support. If you are a teacher and have identified one of your class as being head and shoulders above the rest of the class in something, then contact us directly or through your Head Teacher.
We are now able to support children at any of the New Addington primary schools, individually, as a group or on the Tuition Programme.
Applications will be initially vetted by our Chair of Trustees, Gary, and if he believes the application meets our criteria, it will be put before all the trustees with 6 out of 9 needing to approve the application. Usually, Gary will meet with the parent or pupil or both to check that they have the right level of enthusiasm and fully understand the basis of the Foundation's support. Occasionally, we may require a more formal interview with child and parent(s).
You will understand that the Foundation’s financial support cannot be a no-conditions obligation forever. In most cases support will initially be for twelve months. We expect that this will be renewed in the vast majority of cases where the pupil or parent receiving our support have been fulfilling their side of the bargain: regular attendance, progress and, most importantly of all, enthusiasm. If these are not being satisfied then we may need to divert our limited resources to those that are.
Financial support will usually be paid directly to the person or organisation providing the additional activity and we will ask them to provide us with regular updates on attendance and progress. Parents will need to provide us with permission to share information with the organisations providing their services and the child's primary school.
One thing we will ask of parents is that they allow their names and/or those of their children being supported by the Foundation to be used in publicity. It will mainly be on this website, but may also include the local press, school website or other social media. We will usually consult with the parents before displaying images and text about those involved with the Foundation.
The Foundation is currently supporting the following initiatives (click on the area you are interested for more details):
- Tuition Programme
- Talented Pupil Individual Support
- Talented Pupils Group Support
- Parental Engagement
- Parental Development