8th January 2018 – Royal Russell Masterclasses Up and Running
Excellent news. 17 participants (well 16 actually as one pupil was sick) started their Year 4 English and Maths masterclasses this afternoon at Royal Russell. Everyone was very enthusiastic with some turning up for the 3.45pm start over half an hour early in the excitement!
The Royal Russell team were impressed with both the enthusiasm and the ability of the children and are looking forward to challenging them to learn more and more as 2018 progresses.
We think the children deserve to be named:
Applegarth Primary School: Yasah and Yawan
Castle Hill Primary School: Andrew, Aran, Daniel, Esther and Kinga
Fairchildes Primary School: Anita, Cameron, Faith, Ria, Shaila
Rowdown Primary School: Alex, Deanne, Kacey, Nathan, Phoebe
These children were selected by their schools as the most academically able and the most enthusiastic in their learning, so it is a huge honour for them and we really hope they make the most of their opportunity.
Thank you, once again, to Royal Russell School for making this possible and allowing their staff to commit their time to this little social mobility project.