4th August 2017 – A New Pair of Safe Hands

We are pleased to announce that Martin Bibby has agreed to become a Trustee of the Foundation.  Martin is a long-standing friend of our Chair and Founder, Gary Coy, and in fact it was Martin that introduced Gary to Rowdown, suggesting him as a suitable person to be a school governor.  Well now Gary has his revenge!

Martin was a teacher at Rowdown for many years before moving on to pastures new a couple of years ago.  He is still very highly regarded among parents, pupils and staff at the school .  He is a very caring and nurturing type of chap and, we hope, will take an active part in the Foundation’s operations, especially if it means meeting some of his ex-colleagues for a drink to discuss pupil nominations.

Welcome Martin and thank you in advance for your time, enthusiasm and commitment.

Check out his photo on the Trustee page of this website!!!