21st June 2017 – School Visits
Today saw all eight boys on the Trinity Extended Lessons Programme visit the school for an official tour led by the effervescent Mr Price, Head of Year 7, and the informative Mr Timm, Head of Admissions. We were also treated to an introduction to the school by Mr Kennedy, the Headmaster together with refreshments and cookies, which went down very well with the boys and, I suspect, a few parents!
I think everyone was impressed – with the tour, not just the cookies!
This trip followed on from similar visits to Wallington County Grammar School, Wallington High School for Girls and Old Palace of John Whitgift School, giving groups of boys and girls a flavour of the similarities and differences in grammar and independent schools. We were treated like royalty in all four whether the tour was conducted by adults or students. The facilities on offer were impressive in each and I think the boys and girls were mightily impressed, particularly with some of the artwork on show. I think the visits left parents with a greater desire to see their children have the opportunity to attend these schools, so it is a job well done.
We hope to fit in a couple more tours after the summer break.