20th May 2017 – Trinity Programme Going Well
The Saturday morning lessons in Maths and English being provided by Trinity School to 15 New Addington Year 5 pupils have just completed their third week and the feedback is very positive both from the teachers and pupils. There has been a 100% attendance – always a good sign – and Trinity’s teachers and Headmaster report that pupils are capable, enthusiastic and engaged.
The Foundation can also report that there has been an excellent response from the primary schools and parents; the majority of parents are quick to respond to questions and keen to encourage their child. We have arranged several visits to grammar and independent schools for this group and the take up has been almost universal. It is important for children and parents to visit these schools to see what they can offer, their multi-cultural and multi-ethnic pupils and the general feel. This should provide inspiration for the children and aspiration for all those involved.
We’ll report back on the visits and progress of the Trinity School Extension Lessons Programme over the weeks and months to come.