17th October 2017 – Grammar School 11+ Results
We are pleased to announce that two of the Year 6 pupils currently on our Tuition Programme (attending the Extension Lessons at Trinity School on a Saturday morning) have passed second stage exams. Priscilla sat the Wallington Girls test and Mohammad sat Wilson’s second test which means he now has eligibility for both Wilson’s and Wallington County Grammar School, a tough choice but a lovely position to be in.
You might think that only 2 out 0f the 15 Year 6 pupils going along to Trinity is a poor return, so I’ll put it in perspective for you!!! 11 of these children have only had one term of extra tuition. Compare that to the terms and years that probably the majority of children sitting those entrance exams have had: still hardly a level playing field.
Only 7 of the 15 chose to sit these exams, partly because the children were not ready in September, but also because none of the grammar schools in Sutton are a straightforward commute from New Addington. So 2 / 7 is a bit better.
In our first year of the Tuition Programme, 4 children took but did not pass the grammar school exams after just 6 months of tuition, but 2 went on to pass private school exams in January, winning scholarships and/or bursary. This was also true of Janice last year who joined the lessons in April, wasn’t successful for grammar school in September but went on to win a good scholarship at Old Palace in January.
We therefore remain very hopeful that the 14 children that are sitting entrance exams in the next few weeks will show their true colours.
Let’s all wish them the best of luck.