11th July 2014 – Rowdown School Awards
What an afternoon we have just had. The inaugural Rowdown School Awards were presented by Gavin Barwell MP. 48 children were nominated for awards for academic achievement or outstanding effort and these nominees had pride of place up on the stage, entering to loud cheers and applause from their families and classmates in the audience.

Year 5 Non-Academic Award Winner – Isabel Finch
All 48 of them are winners and whilst we would have loved every one of them to receive a trophy, all had received a certificate to recognise their effort or achievement. The winners in each category and each year group were announced “Oscar-style” from the opening of a large gold envelope. More cheers and applause as each winner walked up to receive their trophy from Mr Barwell and have their photo taken.
And then the two “Pupils of the Year” were announced, one for academic achievement and one for outstanding effort. Lisa Coppard (Year 6) and Harrison Coates (Year 3) were very popular winners. Thanks to the generosity of our Awards Sponsor, Shard Capital LLP, they each received an engraved trophy, a tablet computer and a family day out. We can report the reaction of all the pupils to these prizes was very encouraging: we think the Awards will be a real motivation and inspiration for all pupils next year and we think all will be aspiring to the Pupil of the Year 2014/15.
More information – including a list of all the nominations – and photos are available on the School Awards page.

Academic Pupil of the Year – Lisa Coppard

Non-Academic Pupil of the Year – Harrison Coates