10th July 2015 – Rowdown School Awards
We’ve had a wonderful afternoon at the second Rowdown Annual School Awards presentation. We stuck to last year’s winning format with the four nominations in each of the two categories (Academic Achievement and Attitude and Effort) in each year group announced by Mrs Shute or Mrs Moore to cheers and applause from the amassed children and parents in the hall. The gold envelope was then opened by Gareth Burchell, representing the sponsors, Shard Capital LLP, and he announced the winner to everyone’s delight.
The trophies were presented again this year by Gavin Barwell MP, ably – and may we say very professionally – assisted by the Foundation’s Chair, Gary Coy. The excitement rose even further when it was time to announce the Pupils of the Year, one in each category. There were gasps of wonder when Mrs Shute informed the assembled children that the prizes to these two pupils were a Hudl tablet and a family day out at a London attraction.
All the winners can be found on the dedicated page of our website. But for those that can’t wait, the Pupils of the Year 2014/15 are:
Academic Achievement: Tamalyn Merritt, Year 2

Tamalyn Merritt, Year 2 Winner and Pupil of the Year, Academic Achievement
Attitude and Effort: Macey Back, Year 2

Macey Back, Year 6 Winner and Pupil of the Year, Attitude and Effort